Governing Bodies

IBC Governing bodies:

  • General Meeting (AGM)
  • The President and Vice President
  • The Presiding Committee
  • Board of Executive Directors

General Meeting (AGM)  

The General Meeting is held annually in one of the countries of the IBC member-companies. The General Meeting approves the annual report and the annual balance sheet, the reports of the President and Vice president, the Board and the Presiding Committee for the previous year, imposes changes to membership categories and membership fees as well as Articles of Association, elects President, Vice president and members of the IBC Presiding committee.

Decisions of the General Meeting are taken, as a rule, by a simple majority of votes. A three-quarters majority of the votes of the IBC members participating in the General meeting is required to amend the Articles of Association as well as to decide the change of the activities of the Congress.

Members of the IBC may be represented by their authorized representatives on the basis of a written power of attorney. To obtain the right to vote at the General Meeting the authorized persons must present a power of attorney in writing.

The President and Vice President

The President and Vice President of the IBC head the association and, in particular, have the task of chairing the Presiding Committee and Board of Directors.

The President and Vice President are elected by the General Meeting of Members in each case for a term extending until the end of the first General Meeting to take place in the next calendar year divisible by two. The President and Vice President remain in office after the end of their term of office until election of the new President and/or Vice President. The General Meeting may resolve to curtail these terms of office and elect the President and Vice President out of office. President and Vice President may resign at any time with notice to this effect to the Board of Directors; any member of the Board of Directors is entitled to take receipt of such notice.

The President and Vice President act in an honorary capacity. 

The Presiding Committee

The Presiding Committee consists of the President and Vice President and other members of the Presiding Committee.

Presiding Committee members are elected by the General Meeting. The principle of proportional representation, including territorial and sectoral affiliation as well as the size of enterprises should be considered when electing the new members. The Presiding Committee members are elected for a term of two years. They can resign at any time.

The Presiding Committee has the following tasks and rights:

  • appointment and recall of Executive Members of the Board of Directors (Executive Directors),
  • advising the Board of Directors,
  • approval of the annual budget to be submitted by the Board of Directors for the following year,
  • to draw up Terms of Reference for the Board of Directors, listing the transactions and measures requiring approval from the Presiding Committee,
  • to establish working committees and to elect members of the Presiding Committee as their Chairmen,
  • to make proposals for the main areas of activity of the IBC,
  • to make proposals for the election of Presiding Committee members.

Board of Directors

Being a German organization, the structure of the International Business Congress is formed in accordance with the laws of Germany. The IBC Board consists of the President and Vice president, as well as three to seven other (executive) members of the Board. Members of the first Board must be appointed by the founders of the Congress.

The IBC is represented in judicial and other instances by two members of the Board jointly.

The Executive members of the Board (executive Board) are elected by the Presiding Committee. The members of the Board are elected for a term of two years and can resign at any time.

The Executive Board has the following duties and rights:

  • preparation of the annual budget
  • preparation of the annual report and annual balance sheet
  • forward the annual report and the annual balance sheet together with an auditor's report to the President and Vice president within the first three months after the end of the financial year
  • submit the annual report and annual balance sheet together with an auditor's report to the General Meeting for consideration
  • organize important events within the framework of the IBC, with consideration to the decisions of the General Annual Meetings and the Presiding Committee Meetings, as well as the tasks set by the President and Vice president
  • summon the General Meeting
  • establish the Secretariat, if necessary, and supervise its work

Decisions of the Board are taken at meetings summoned by the President, Vice president, Chairman of the Board or at least two members of the Board.

The Board is authorized to make decisions if at least three members of the Board are present at the meeting. Decisions of the Board are recorded in the meeting’s minutes and signed by the member of the Board responsible for keeping the minutes.

As directed by the President, Vice president or two other members of the Board, decisions taken by the Board are submitted to the General Meeting for approval.