
The International Business Congress is a German-law association with legal personality.

International Business Congress (IBC) e.V. i.l.

Kurfürstendamm 30 | 10719 Berlin | Germany
Phone +49 30 206 727 03 | Fax +49 30 206 727 04 | E-Mail

President and Vice-President, Presiding Committee and Board of Directors

Registered Office / Tax Number / Register Court

г. Берлин | Суд первой инстанции Берлин-Шарлоттенбург | Амтсгерихтсплатц 1 | 14057 г. Берлин | Германия |
регистрационный номер: 20478 Nz | ИНН: 1127/000/620/544853

Person in charge in the legal sense of § 6 MDStV and editorial staff

Responsible: Andreas Böldt (IBC Board Co-ordinator)
Editorial.: IBC Secretariat