6. Technological Catalogue (Digital and Printed Versions)

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)


analysis and export of Western Energy Saving Means by elaborating a catalogue of Western exportable technologies for the industrial and household purposes.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, on the part of the Academy – Mr. Evgeniy Burmistrov.

Approved as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2008.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

6 months

Fully implemented and paid in 2011.

Board accepts the catalog in the printing version and on a compact disk, it is distributed among the member companies of EBC.