22. Ecological and Econmic Assessment of Marine Transportation of Compressed Natural Gas

Presented by “INIDEP” (former "ICON") Working Committee


The idea of this project is to identify the most cost-effective as well as environment- and climate-friendly method of natural gas transportation by studying and assessing the economic and environmental asessment of compressed natural gas (CNG) marine transportation.

Gazprom and Uniper Global Commodities SE.
The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC is Mr. D. Weßling, Uniper Technologies GmbH.
Approved as subject to financial support by the IBC at the IBC Presiding Committee meeting in December 2015.

Duration of the project:

18 months, January 2016 – May 2017

Start of the project:

January 2016

The project is fully paid and implemented in 2017.