1. Energy Efficiency 21 UNECE – EBC Project

(Presented by "LBF", "Energy", "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)

Co-funded by the EBC project in the process of implementation by the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships, UNECE.


to assist South Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries to enhance their energy efficiency, diminish fuel poverty arising from economic transition and meet the environmental treaty obligations under the UNECE.

Participants/Implementers of the project

OAO Gazprom Promgaz, E-ON Ruhrgaz, UNECE
Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2006.

Co-ordinator on the part of the UNECE – Mr. Alexandre Chachine, Mr. Sead Vilogorac, UNECE, on the part of the EBC – Mr. Uwe H. Fip, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Member of the EBC Board, and Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Co-ordinator of the “Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency” Sub-group of the ICON committee.

Start of the project:

June 2006

Duration of the project:

4 years

The project is fully implemented.

The last phase of the project “Kolpashevo” has been fully implemented and paid in 2010.