Environment and social responsibility

Bringing together companies, public and trade union associations and educational organizations from 23 countries, the International Business Congress works on the principles of mutual respect, equality for all members of the Congress, the rule of law, transparency and mutual benefit.

Care for the environment and efficient use of natural resources determine the topics of working meetings within the framework of the meetings of the IBC Working Committees. At meetings and conferences, IBC member companies share their achievements and experience in the decarbonization of production processes, discuss possible joint projects and conduct joint research on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

An important area of activity of the International Business Congress is financing and coordinating social work projects aimed at developing and improving social, environmental, educational, and research areas. For example, in the framework of the Leo Tolstoy European School in Berlin project, regular events are held aimed at educating schoolchildren to be careful and responsible to the surrounding world. Examples of such projects include collecting litter in public parks and assessing the quality of water in Berlin and Moscow reservoirs. Thanks to IBC Scholarship Program project, 33 students from low-income families receive financial support and successfully continue their education at one of Russia's most prestigious universities. Under the "Medical Support" project, IBC supports the work of the "Child Rehabilitation Center" in St. Petersburg, which promotes the development of the motor apparatus of children with serious illnesses.

Learn more about IBC projects