Ecology and Healthcare

The committee set its goals in compliance with the motto: “for the high quality of life”.

The committee considers various ecological and healthcare issues to develop practical solutions. The committee implements projects in accordance with following criteria:

  • Relevance of current challenges in the OSCE member states;
  • Compliance with interests of as greater number of the IBC members as possible;
  • Introduction of small pilot projects to estimate performance indicators of the suggested measures.

Two sub-working groups have been established to address specific projects:

  • Ecology Management
  • Healthcare Technologies and Health Facilities Management

The sub-group "Eclology Management" concentrates on the following problems:

  • Introduction of Environmental Protection Management Systems in compliance with ISO 14001;
  • Developed a project proposal for the initial implementation of the ISO 14001 certification procedure at Gazprom.
  • Project proposal to implement the ISO 14001 certification procedure at Gazprom enterprise. The implementation of this project will serve the interests of the companies from OSCE member states.

The second sub-working group "Healthcare Technologies and Health Facilities Management" carries on following projects:

  • Standardization of health facilities and healthcare services in case of emergencies;
  • Preventive health screenings and ecological monitoring in the modern production environment.

These topics are the most relevant for the regions where IBC member companies operate. Solving these problems will increase the efficiency of health care systems and help improve the quality of life of the personnel of member companies.

Improvement of security of oil and gas supplies in Europe is also an expected result of the work of the subgroups of the Working Committee.

International experts in the field of ecology and healthcare participate in committee meetings. This allows the committee members to make decisions according to the current situation in specific areas.

If your company is interested in participating in the MDC Environment and Healthcare Committee meetings, fill out the contact form on the website.