About IBC
Международный деловой конгресс (МДК) – международная неправительственная некоммерческая организация, основана в декабре 1997 года по инициативе деловых кругов Европы в целях содействия развитию экономического сотрудничества между странами Восточной и Западной Европы. Первоначальное название организации — «Европейский деловой конгресс» (ЕДК). В ходе расширения сферы деятельности организации было принято решение об изменении названия на Международный деловой конгресс (с 2015 года).
The International Business Congress brings together companies, public and professional associations, educational organizations from 23 countries of the world. The world's largest energy companies constitute the core of the Congress.
МДК является юридическим лицом и действует в рамках законодательства Федеративной Республики Германии. Штаб-квартира находится в Берлине (ФРГ). Основные рабочие языки МДК — русский, английский и немецкий.
The work of the Congress is aimed at creating conditions for a continuous direct dialogue between the business circles of various countries of the world, promoting their economic development and cooperation. The leading principles of cooperation within the framework of the IBC are the rule of law, transparency, mutual benefit, and equality for all members of the Congress.
For 25 years since its founding, the International Business Congress has annually provided its members with a platform for holding international working meetings, meetings of the IBC Presiding Committee and the Working Committees as well as the annual General meetings and international conferences to discuss and determine the main development trends in the world economy, the financial system, promotion of the environmental agenda, the creation of mechanisms for interaction within the framework of joint international projects, the experience exchange in information technologies, development assessment of the international labor market, the discussion of the new promising technologies in the energy sector, construction and many other topics. As a rule, the IBC events are held in the countries the IBC member-companies are from.
The IBC activities are carried out in the frames of its eight Working Committees:
- Energy
- Ecology and Healthcare
- Law, Banking and Finance
- Information and Communication
- Industry, Innovations and Prospective Development
- Business Security
- Human Resources
- The Modern Technologies and Prospective Oil and Gas Industry Projects Committee
Over the past 25 years the IBC has provided financial and organizational support to 28 international social, environmental, educational and research projects.