9th Annual General Meeting of the EBC

The 9th AGM was held in Portorose, Slovenia, on June 15-16, 2006. The focal topic- «Development of the European Energy Sector. Prospective Scenarios 2020». The unprecedented number of participants was registered - about 300 persons. The forum was held on the high representative level. The Slovenian Prime Minister Mr. Janez Janza gave a working breakfast for the EBC President Dr. A. Miller in the course of which the issues of the South-Europen energy sector development for the long-term perspective were discussed. The Economy Minister of Slovenia Mr. Andrey Vizyak and other members of Slovenian government also participated in the forum. The AGM re-elected Dr. A. Miller as EBC President, and Dr. von Heydebreck – as the EBC Vice-President.