Implemented Projects

Presented by “INIDEP” (former "ICON") Working Committee


The idea of this project is to analyse Methane’s role in climate change considering different metric indexes and provide recommendations for the wide range of experts.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Gazprom and Uniper Global Commodities SE. The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC is Mr. D. Weßling, Uniper Technologies GmbH.

Duration of the project:

18 months, January 2017 – June 2018

Start of the project:

2017   Final Report “Methane’s Role in the Climate Change”

Presented by “INIDEP” (former "ICON") Working Committee


The idea of this project is to identify the most cost-effective as well as environment- and climate-friendly method of natural gas transportation by studying and assessing the economic and environmental asessment of compressed natural gas (CNG) marine transportation.

Gazprom and Uniper Global Commodities SE.
The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC is Mr. D. Weßling, Uniper Technologies GmbH.
Approved as subject to financial support by the IBC at the IBC Presiding Committee meeting in December 2015.

Duration of the project:

18 months, January 2016 – May 2017

Start of the project:

January 2016

The project is fully paid and implemented in 2017.

Presented by "ICON", “Energy” and “ECOH” Working Committees


To deliver the right conditions for a successful market preparation of LNG as a fuel for heavy commercial traffic in transit zones between Eastern and Western Europe.

Participants/Implementers of the project

E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH and Gazprom.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC (former EBC) is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
Project is approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2013.

Start of the project:

2014 – postponed to 2015

Duration of the project:

2 years

The project is fully paid and implemented in 2016

Presented by “ECOH” Working Committee


This project aims to demonstrate and promote environmental and technological features and advantages of natural gas for the energy sector, industry, transport, etc. It offers involvement of a player into solving major environmental problems.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Overgas Inc. AD, OAO Gazprom and E.ON New Build & Commodities GmbH and others.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC (former EBC) is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.

Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2014.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

18 months

The project is fully paid and implemented in 2016.

Presented by the “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committee


The project has been developed in light of the ongoing participation of EBC member-companies in large-scale pipelines construction projects. Its goal is to apply special environmental protection measures, in addition to any measures provided by local government to protect nature and bird populations, in particular white storks.

  • Increase living space for life and reproduction of white storks by undergoing conservation actions;
  • Strengthen international cooperation between European local communities engaged in white storks protection;
  • Expand partnerships with local non-governmental organizations and attract new parties.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Overgas Inc. AD and OAO Gazprom.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the IBC (former EBC) is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.

Project is approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2013.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

3 years.

The project is fully paid and implemented in 2016

Presented by “Industry and Construction” Working Committee


Comprehensive scientific analysis of environmental and economic effect on the European countries as consumers of the natural gas supplied by onshore and offshore pipeline during the implementation of the South stream project.

Participants/Implementers of the project

OAO Gazprom, ENI, Wintershall, EDF, Overgas, South Stream.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.

Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2013.

Start of the project:


The project has been closed for objective reasons in 2015.

Presented by “INFOC” Working Committee


The main goal of this project is to improve pupil’s safety during their stay at school and improvement of the information technologies so that parents will be better informed about the educational process and progress of their children. Establishment of the informational and communicational bridge between two schools.

Participants/Implementers of the project

EBC, Comita d.d., OOO Gazprom Telekom.
The co-ordinator of the project is Janko Loncar, Comita d.d.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in May 2012.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

15 months

Place of implementation:

Serbian School “Vuk Karadzic”, Belgrad, Serbia
The opening ceremony of the school was held on 14th November, 2014.

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2014.

Presented by “ECOH” Working Committee


The project aims at boosting environmental thinking, promoting bicycles as universal eco-friendly means of transportation.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Overgas Inc., Vemex, Srbijagas.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
The project was approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in May 2012.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

26 months, from February 2013 until March 2015.

The project is fully implemented and paid.

Presented by "Energy" Working Committee


Advantages of Gas – technological, economical and ecological as a bridge technology for the energy turnaround – a scientific analysis with a communication strategy.

Participants/Implementers of the project

E.ON Global Commodities and Energieforschungszentrum Niedersachsen.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.

Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2013.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

3 years.

The project has been closed for objective reasons (EBC Board resolution, dated April 2014)

Presented by “Industry and Construction” Working Committee


The creation of an educational resource for children (printed book and e-book) in order to promote natural gas as eco-friendly and safe energy carrier.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie
The co-ordinator of the project is Mr. S. Gustov “OOO Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie”

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2012.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

6 months

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2014.

Presented by the “Industry and Construction” Working Committee


Comprehensive scientific analysis of shale gas production technologies and experience of the USA and Canada and assessment of possible impacts on environment and population resultant from large-scale development of shale gas fields in Europe.

Participants/Implementers of the project

OAO Gazprom, Overgas Inc.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

2013 and 2014

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2014.

A detailed report is in the EBC Secretariat.

Presented by the “Industry and Construction” and “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committee


development of schemes and registers to contribute to balancing economic activities and environmental demands.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Gazprom Transgas Tomsk, E.ON Ruhrgas.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.

Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC Presiding Committee meeting in December 2010.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

2 years

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2013.

A detailed report is in the EBC Secretariat.

Presented by the “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committee


achieving a carbon neutrality of the EBC in the frame of preparation for the 14th AGM, development of guidelines for carbon footprint calculation.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Overgas, Gazprom Transgas Tomsk, E.ON Ruhrgas.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. D. Weßling, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.

Approved as subject to financial support by the EBC Presiding Committee meeting in December 2010.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

20 months

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2012.

A detailed report is in the EBC Secretariat.

Presented by “Information and Communications” and “Ecology and Healthcare” Working Committees


improvement of access to high quality health services for population in remote areas of Russia.

Participants/Implementers of the project

ZAO Gaztelecom and Siemens Enterprise Communications Russia.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. F. Wannagat E.ON Ruhrgas AG .

Approved as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2010.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

8 months

The project is fully implemented and paid.

On April 4, 2013 took place the opening ceremony of the Setchenov Medical Center.

(Presented by "ECOH" and "ICON" Working Committees)


making available a reference instrument on legal, taxation, marketing, technical and other conditions for construction and operation of the gas filling stations in European countries.

Participants/Implementers of the project


The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG and Mr. E. Pronin, Gazprom.
Approved as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2010.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

18 months

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2012.

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)

A project aimed at implementation of a pilot project in the town of Yambol by the end of 2009 with the sponsoring support by Overgas and EBC.

Long-term objective

reduction of energy costsof the town in the process of energy production, distribution and utilization.

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG and Mr. Georgi Bazadzhiev, head of Energy Efficiency Department, Overgas.

Approved as subject for financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in 2009.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

1 year

The project is fully implemented and paid in 2010.

(Presented by the "INFOC" Working Committee)


A project aimed at complete modernisation and redesign of the Maloyaroslavets Internet Café further development of the Internet-Cafe project.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Gaztelecom, Siemens AG, and Administration of Maloyaroslavets

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Dr. Dietrich Moeller, Siemens AG.

Approved as subject for financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2008.

Start of the project:

January 2009

Duration of the project:

6 months

Fully implemented and paid in June 2009.

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)


analysis and export of Western Energy Saving Means by elaborating a catalogue of Western exportable technologies for the industrial and household purposes.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, on the part of the Academy – Mr. Evgeniy Burmistrov.

Approved as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in December 2008.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

6 months

Fully implemented and paid in 2011.

Board accepts the catalog in the printing version and on a compact disk, it is distributed among the member companies of EBC.

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)


analysis and export of Western Energy Saving Means by elaborating a catalogue of exportable Western technologies for the industrial and household purposes to the Eastern European countries.

Participants/Implementers of the project

Clausthal University, Lower Saxony, Germany

The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.

Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in November 2007.

Start of the operation:


Duration of the project:

3 years

Research is stopped at the beginning of 2011. The interim progress reports are available in the IBC Secretariat.

(Presented by the "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)


installing Task Force to support fuel change in traffic and mass transport in the OSCE countries. The project is to be implemented in the frame of the “Blue Corridor” project, supported by G 8, St. Petersburg, and the UNECE.

Participants/Implementers of the project


The co-ordinator of the project on the part of the EBC is Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.

Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2007.

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

3 years

2 out of 5 planned conferences successfully held in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Svetlogorsk, Russia.

3-rd conference was held in 2011 in Moscow

Fully implemented in late 2012

(Presented by "HRES" Working Committee)


special training courses and programs for high potentials to become more qualified for management.

Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2007

The project co-ordinators:

  • on the part of Wintershall Holding AG – Mr. Juergen Moepert, Chairman of the HRES committee
  • on the part of Gasunie – Mr. Eric Dam
  • on the part of Gazprom – Mrs. Elena Kasyan
  • on the part of Energy Delta Institute – Mr. Volko de Jong

Start of the project:


Duration of the project:

5 years.

Start of the pilot training course:


Project editions 2009, 2010 and 2011 have been fully implemented.

The project is complete in consent of the parties.

(Presented by the “Energy” Working Committee)


a broadly shared multilateral intergovernmental expert dialogue on energy security in one or more of the following areas:

  • data and information sharing and increased transparency
  • infrastructure investment and financing
  • legal, regulatory and policy framework
  • harmonisation of standards
  • research, development and deployment of new technologies

in which the energy security risks of UNECE member states can be diminished through the pursuit of sustainable energy policies.

Participants/Implementers of the project

A project of co-operation between the EBC and the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy.

Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2007.

The project co-ordinator on the part of the UNECE is Mr. Sead Vilogorac, UNECE. On the part of the EBC – Mr. Uwe H. Fip, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Member of the EBC Board.

Start of the project:

August 2007

Duration of the project:

3 years

Fully implemented and paid in late 2010.

(Presented by "LBF", "Energy", "ICON" and "ECOH" Working Committees)

Co-funded by the EBC project in the process of implementation by the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships, UNECE.


to assist South Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries to enhance their energy efficiency, diminish fuel poverty arising from economic transition and meet the environmental treaty obligations under the UNECE.

Participants/Implementers of the project

OAO Gazprom Promgaz, E-ON Ruhrgaz, UNECE
Approved and qualified as subject to financial support by the EBC at the Presiding Committee meeting in June 2006.

Co-ordinator on the part of the UNECE – Mr. Alexandre Chachine, Mr. Sead Vilogorac, UNECE, on the part of the EBC – Mr. Uwe H. Fip, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Member of the EBC Board, and Mr. Friedhelm Wannagat, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Co-ordinator of the “Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency” Sub-group of the ICON committee.

Start of the project:

June 2006

Duration of the project:

4 years

The project is fully implemented.

The last phase of the project “Kolpashevo” has been fully implemented and paid in 2010.