“Energy” Working Committee meeting of the IBC

September 16, 2021 St. Petersburg (Russia), Singapore, online

The meeting of the “Energy” Working Committee was held on 16 September 2021 as part of the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Congress.

The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by Mr. Uwe Fip, Senior Vice President, Uniper Global Commodities, Chairman of the Committee. After a brief presentation by Mr. Andreas Boeldt, IBC Board Coordinator, the following speakers delivered their presentations:

  • “Role of gas in West and East – A strategic outlook in the age of greening” by Alexey Koshelets, Deputy Head of Department, Gazprom;
  • “Natural gas in the light of EU 55% GHG reduction Target” by James Watson, Secretary General, Eurogas;
  • “Methane emissions: Strategic ESG considerations” by Giangiacomo Dandrea, Head of ESG Risk Management, Uniper Global Commodities SE;
  • “Robust LNG demand amid of decarbonization trend” by Kenji Tsukui, Director Energy Department, Mitsubishi Russia.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee shared plans for the next activities of the Committee.




«Природный газ в свете цели ЕС по сокращению выбросов парниковых газов на 55%» г-н Джеймс Уотсон, Генеральный секретарь, Еврогаз

«Выбросы метана: стратегические аспекты ESG» г-н Джанджакомо Дандреа, Руководитель департамента управления рисками ОСВО, Юнипер СЕ