Meeting of the Working Committee "Human Resources"

September 15, 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, Singapore, online

The IBC Working Committee «Human Resources» held a regular meeting in a hybrid (online and offline) format.

The IBC HR Committee meeting on the topic «Organization of corporate training with the participation of partner universities and business schools» took place on September 15, 2021.

The meeting was headed by IBC HR Committee management:

  • Mrs. Elena Kasyan, Head of Department, Gazprom, Chairman of the IBC HR Committee;
  • Mr. Marcel Kramer, President, Energy Delta Institute, Co-chairman of the IBC HR Committee;
  • Mrs. Petra Angstmann, Vice President Human Resources Oil & Gas, Wintershall Dea AG, Co-chairman of the IBC HR Committee.

Mrs. Ekaterina Kravetskaya, Senior Business Advisor Russia, Marketing Director Russia, Energy Delta Institute, moderated the meeting.

The meeting was attended by 88 people from 43 companies.

Mr. Andreas Boeldt, IBC Board Co-ordinator, Head of Representative Office, OMV Russia Upstream GmbH, delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the IBC Board.

During the Meeting, reports were presented by:

  1. Mr. Leon Stille, Managing Director, Energy Delta Institute.

Topic of the report: «Executive education through international academic partnerships and knowledge networks».

  1. Mrs. Petra Angstmann, Vice President Human Resources Oil & Gas, Wintershall Dea AG.

Topic of the report: «Dual Students Program: learning in practice at Wintershall Dea AG and studies at business school».

  1. Mrs. Karina Bchemyan, HR Project Manager, Mitsubishi Corporation (Russia) LLC.

Topic of the report: «Mitsubishi Corporation Trainings co-hosted with International Business Schools».

  1. Mr. Oleg Baulin, Rector, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.

Topic of the report: «Development and implementation of corporate programs of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University».

Representatives of oil and gas companies, universities and business schools discussed joint educational projects for corporations and university students. Following key advantages of such cooperation were identified: balance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills; taking into account the industry specifics of the oil and gas business; using the real experience of companies as cases in the learning process.

В ходе заседания был представлен доклад Яны Язеповны Клементовичус, Директора ИДПО – «ВЭШ» (СПбГЭУ), о реализации проекта Комитета «Молодёжный день» в 2021 году. В рамках доклада отмечены большой вклад в проект и экспертная поддержка членовМДК: ПАО «Газпром», «Юнипер СЕ», «Винтерсхалл Деа Гмбх», «Шелл Эксплорэйшн энд Продакшн Сёрвисиз», «ОМВ АГ», Институт «Энергетическая Дельта», «ЕСМТ Берлин» и др.


Корпоративное обучение через международное академическое партнерство Леон Стиллe, Генеральный директор Института «Энергетическая Дельта»

Программа дуального обучения: практическая подготовка в компании «Винтерсхалл Деа АГ» и обучение в бизнес-школе Петра Ангстманн, Вице-президент по управлению персоналом компании «Винтерсхалл Деа АГ»

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Опыт разработки и реализации корпоративных программ Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета О.А. Баулин, Ректор Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета

Презентация проекта «Молодёжный день» Я.Я. Клементовичус, Директор ИДПО – «ВЭШ» (СПбГЭУ)